The Polygon Command

Toolbar Draw Polygon
Pull-down DrawPolygon
Keyboard POLYGON short-cut POL

The Polygon command can be used to draw any regular polygon from 3 sides up to 1024 sides. This command requires four inputs from the user, the number of sides, a pick point for the centre of the polygon, whether you want the polygon inscribed or circumscribed and then a pick point which determines both the radius of this imaginary circle and the orientation of the polygon. The polygon command creates a closed polyline in the shape of the required polygon.

This command also allows you to define the polygon by entering the length of a side using the Edge option. You can also control the size of the polygon by entering an exact radius for the circle. Follow the command sequence below to see how this command works.

Command Sequence

Command: POLYGON
Enter number of sides <4>: 5 Return
Specify center of polygon or [Edge]: (pick P1 or type E to define by edge length)
Enter an option [Inscribed in circle/Circumscribed about circle] Return (to accept the inscribed default or type C for circumscribed)
Specify radius of circle: (pick P2 or enter exact radius)


In the illustration above, the polygon on the left is inscribed (inside the circle with the polygon vertexes touching it), the one in the middle is circumscribed (outside the circle with the polyline edges tangential to it) and the one on the right is defined by the length of an edge.

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