Implied Windowing

Although you can explicitly invoke the Window and Crossing Window selection boxes by entering W or C at the keyboard when prompted to "Select objects", in practice this is rarely done. Both of these selection options are so commonly used that AutoCAD provides a method of implied windowing so that you don't have to use the keyboard at all. You can test this out without using any command. If you pick a point in space on the graphic window, you will notice that AutoCAD automatically assumes that you want to define a selection window and uses the pick point as the first point of that window. If you move the cursor to the right of the pick point you will get a Window selection box (solid line). If you move the cursor th the left you will get a Crossing Window selection box (broken line). With a little bit of practice the use of implied windowing can make the whole drawing process very efficient and you will rarely find yourself having to explicitly invoke the window selection options from the keyboard.

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