The Ellipse Command

Toolbar DrawEllipse
Pull-down DrawEllipseAxis, End
Keyboard ELLIPSE short-cut EL

Ellipse The Ellipse command gives you a number of different creation options. The default option is to pick the two end points of an axis and then a third point to define the eccentricity of the ellipse. After you have mastered the default option, try out the others.

Command Sequence

Command: ELLIPSE
Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center]: (pick P1)
Specify other endpoint of axis: (pick P2)
Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]: (pick P3)

The ellipse command can also be used to draw isometric circles. See the worked example in the Drawing Aids tutorial to find out how to do this and how to draw in isometric projection with AutoCAD.

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